Donald Trump is an attention whore

A decrease in work due to a broken neck, two divorces and providing assistance to family and friends have created a black hole in Ed McMahon’s wallet and are reasons why his Beverly Hills mansion faces foreclosure. But, wait. Donald Trump is here to save the day. Trump plans to buy the mansion and lease it back to Ed McMahon.

Trump, who does not know McMahon personally, said it “would be an honor” to help out the man who spent three decades as Johnny Carson’s sidekick on The Tonight Show. “When I was at the Wharton School of Business I’d watch him every night.”

McMahon, 85, bought the six-bedroom house in January 1990. Down from a peak price of $7 million, the property was listed at a bargain $4.6 million last weekend, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Donald Trump won’t do anything unless he can get publicity out of it. Given two choices: donate anonymously to a charity or be in every magazine for a month by letting Britney Spears take a dump on him, he’d cup his hands in about half a second.

[Image via Splash News]

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