The title is a little misleading. There’s only one dead body, but in my defense it was found really close to Paula Abdul’s home. A few houses down in fact. TMZ says the body of Paula’s alleged stalker was found in a car near her residence, dead from an apparent overdose/suicide.
Police sources tell us they think the victim is an alleged Abdul stalker and cops have been to the house “numerous times before” to deal with her.
The woman, who died of an apparent drug overdose/suicide, has a license plate that reads “ABL LV.” There is also a lanyard hanging from her mirror with a picture of Paula.
Paula did this s**t. Acting crazy and insane is just smoke and mirrors to hide her ultra-violent nature. That joy juice she has in her cup during American Idol is not an addiction, it’s a necessity. It soothes the seething rage and contempt she holds for Simon Cowell. If she wasn’t drunk from 7 to whenever, believe me, she’d have pulled a chopstick from her hair and stabbed Simon in the eye a long time ago.