Fur lover drops load on Lindsay Lohan

On Friday night, a anti-fur protester caked Lindsay Lohan’s head with a huge, white load. Of flour. The protester shouted, “Lindsay Lohan, fur hag!,” as she made her triumphant mark. PETA spokesman Robbie LeBlanc said:

“Lindsay Lohan might be able to ignore images of bloody animals skinned alive for their pelts, but we hope a dash of flour will help her rise to the occasion and forsake fur once and for all.”

As youngsters often do, Lindsay’s boyfriend Samantha went straight to her MySpace the next day to defend her honor.

There is a fine line that distinguishes the difference between exercising our freedom of expression and offending others, for example the debate regarding freedom of speech vs. hate speech…. i feel that this principle should apply to protestors also. It’s a pity that some groups feel the need to assault people as opposed to fighting with words.

Whenever I feel the need to vent about something that feels unfair to me I reach for my computer, I don’t run out of the house with abusive intentions. I don’t expect everyone to react the same way, but I do expect people to respect each other. Maybe that’s my first mistake? It seems lately I am learning that there are too many people who put another species before their fellow man and that’s sad. I don’t wear fur, but I don’t think I have the right to ATTACK those who do. No one has that right.

PETA should focus their efforts on educating people on what they believe are injustices instead of seeking press via harassing those in the limelight. I received an apology too many days late from the PETA folks (the blog removal was too little too late) and today I’m pissed at the bag of flour thrown on Lindsay last night. Not because I got powdered down, but because the girl who threw it acted like an animal herself. I take that back, it’s an insult to animals to group her in with them, my dog is FAR more civilized than that person. I would have more respect for them if they didn’t use other people to get their point across. Lindsay, Mary Kate, Ashley Olsen, Anna Wintour and the rest of the targeted celebrities aren’t the problem, I’m pretty sure they’re not the only ones wearing fur, in fact, they should be appreciated by PETA for giving them a target. If it weren’t for them, who would get them press?????

I know I’m probably going to get a lot of angry emails in response, but I don’t really care. I got enough last week for no reason so I’m more than happy to ignore the nastiness after seeing what I saw last night. I’m not about to throw on a fur coat in retaliation, but had I had one within reach, I’m not sure I would have walked away from it.

ET has pictures of the whole thing and frankly, Lindsay wasn’t too impressed with that load. Just last month at her annual bukkake party, Lindsay had twice that amount explode on her. Amateurs.

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15 years ago

hmm i wonder if it was a stolen jacket, she took from a party,… right now theres some girl mad an Lidnsay w.e. no name, I wonder if Samantha takes our books and plagiarizes what she is going to write, most of the writing seems so chopped off.