Paris probably organized this

Former Minnesota Hilton employee Deborah Smith is suing the Hilton Hotel chain for being wrongfully fired after she witnessed and reported an orgy involving Hilton upper management in a banquet room.

Smith was fired after she opened the door to a banquet room at the Hilton. Inside this room, she discovered an orgy involving Hilton upper management. Specifically, when Smith opened the door to the banquet room, she saw various Hilton executives inebriated and engaging in sexual acts. In fact, she observed Hilton executives on top of a table engaging in sexual activity.

After Smith walked away from the orgy Manager (James) Vennewitz said she would be fired, and he would make sure of it.

And she was. A complaint to HR led to her termination on December 19, 2007. Smith, who now accuses the chain of discrimination and harassment based on sex, is seeking $50,000 in damages.

Of course, this begs the question. What was Paris Hilton doing in Minnesota?

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