Chris Brown might want to look for a better excuse than, “she fell.” Sources who’ve seen photos of Rihanna after the altercation tell TMZ that her injuries are horrific.
In addition to the contusions to both sides of her face, she has major swelling and bruising, a split lip and a bloody nose. There are also bite marks on one of her arms and a few of her fingers.
Rihanna told cops that Brown did in fact beat on her with closed fists and while they aren’t registered deadly weapons like mine, they were still devastating.
TMZ also found out that it was a stranger who called 911 after they heard her scream. Which makes sense. Rihanna probably had her hands full on account of being turned into a human punching bag. Contrary to popular belief, it’s hard to dial numbers when both your eyes swell up and you’re trying to protect your face from a pair of fists. Surprising, I know.
yo chris lost like 999,888,777,879,987,465,735,465,886,990,465,869,957,485,769,675,241,332,557,684,768,779,786,757 kool points WOW
dey shuld ask wat did rihana do
i was in live wz chris brown, but now, because of what he did to rihanna, i hate him
you must never hit a girl no matter what
chris brown if you read this, you are an **********************************************************************************************************
I just wanna share my 2 cents on yalls attitudes right quick: Everyone knows what he did was wrong, and that you shouldn’t beat a female if you’re a male(even Chris does obviously, he’s apologized right?)…. but not anyone has the right to even sit here n talk shyt on him; xpecially cause u dunno the whole situation, and you know the media stretches the truth-about everything. I’m not gonna sit here n say she might have deserved it… I’m just saying you don’t know what she might have done as well.(don’t take this as me sayin it was here… Read more »