Angelina Jolie might be pregnant again

If you believe Star, then you’ll believe that Angelina Jolie is pregnant for the third time. According a “family insider,” Angie and Brad have been trying for months.

A source close to the actress confirms that Angie is about two and a half months along. “She’s thrilled. She said she knew she was pregnant before the test confirmed it!” But she kept the news from Brad, only telling him when he returned from a trip to New Orleans at the end of March.

It must be like a clown car in Angelina’s uterus. Just when you think she’s done, 10 more pop out. She’s like a damn circus. They should start charging admission and maybe erect one of those tents above her vagina.

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so what
so what
14 years ago

I believe this story, every time theres a lot of rumor about them fighting a lot..she gets knocked up..maybe its triplets this time!