Adam Lambert is popular in San Diego

Someone probably should have told this chick Adam Lambert was gay before she decided to get his attention by rushing the stage in just a bra and short skirt. Arming herself with a dildo may have been better.

[AI’s Adam Lambert returns to Mount Carmel High School in San Diego to sing a few songs. Image: Splash News]

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15 years ago

That caption beneath the picture – is that really necessary. There are a lot of folks who truly need to engage their brain before they open their mouths (I am referring to the written portion certainly) I always find it sad when people feel the only way they can make a living is by bashing someone else. I’ve watched his interviews in his hometown and found his words of advice to the younger generation to be very inspiring, he tells them all to “believe in yourself”. As a mother of four I don’t think it gets any better than that… Read more »

15 years ago

You are so wrong! She shouldn NOT have armed herself with a dildo…………she should have brought a strap on. lol

oh and Mary…the whole nice thing is just to be politically correct and win votes, I doubt he actually gives a crap

15 years ago

This article is a “blemish”. You must be disparate to find something to say. Creating sensationalism to try to promote your career at the expense of someone else’s is totally despicable. It’s the old “I make me better when I put you down” philosophy and reveals a deep and abiding insecurity on your part.

The Legend
The Legend
15 years ago

I was at Adam’s concert at his high school Friday . I am old enough to remember watching the Beatles and Elvis on Ed Sullivan and attending early Rolling Stones concerts. That’s what the hysteria was like. 7,000 fans , many screaming Adam, some crying. A primitive sound system on a makeshift stage…it was great…like the Beatles at Shea stadium. Adam sang “Black or White” and “Mad World”. SeaWorld had to cancel his appearance there Friday because over 25,000 fans showed up, the parking lot was packed and security and crowd control was an issue. They were not prepared for… Read more »