Speaking to E!, Vanessa Hudgens says she’ll shed her High School Musical good girl image and do nudity when the time is right.
“Right now, I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it, but like I said, when the time’s right, if it’s an amazing movie that I’m really passionate about and that’s what it calls for, then we’ll see.”
This would be fantastic news if we haven’t already seen her naked. This is like being told In-N-Out is giving away free burgers after you’ve already eaten three Whoppers at Burger King. Yea, it’s cool and I’d totally go get one if I hadn’t stuffed my face with burgers of slightly less quality.
hair like that makes me want to punch her in the face.
Its not cute it just makes you look stupid.
i love you vanessa, do it now, before its too late. you are the hottest chick in hollywood
whats up
LOL. why is she pretending to be so shy about it, and saying she’ll wait until it’s the right time or whatever bull? everyone’s seen her naked anyway.