Carrie Prejean was a bitch

If you had any doubts that Carrie Prejean wasn’t being a total bitch during her reign as Miss California USA, then let Fox News help put your mind at ease. She totally was. Fox managed to get their hands on e-mail transcripts between Carrie and pageant director Keith Lewis. They’re nothing short of amazing. Keith was professional the whole time even though you could see the hate rising within while Carrie acted like a spoiled brat.

The best part is when Carrie tells Keith she’s presenting medals at the Special Olympics no matter what and writes, “What are u gonna do fire me for volunteering for the special olympics hahaha ur crazy,” and then a week later she’s fired. Check and mate.

If you have time for an interesting [ed. damn you people] read, then check out the full transcript under the cut. (If you’re one of those people, do what Laura says in the comments and start from the bottom.)

From: cprejeanXXXX

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 10:09 AMTo: Keith LewisSubject: Re: Messages

Ok then I expect you to provide security per my request like you agreed to provide

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: “Keith Lewis”Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 10:10:25 -0700To: Subject: RE: Messages


Although I do not agree with your directive nor is this letter an indication of our intent to waive our contract rights, we do not want to escalate the situation with you. In good faith, we will simply ask that you provide us all of the details so that we can block it in on our master calendar. We would also want to get the contact information should something come up – like you become missing after the event or you are in an accident before the event and need us to reach out for you. It is for your safety and our responsibility.

Best regards,

Keith Lewis

From: cprejeanXXXXSent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:57 AMTo: Keith LewisSubject: Re: Messages

You do not cooperate with me, and you pick and chose the the things YOU want me to do. That is not happening anymore. Stop speaking for me. I have MY own voice. What are u gonna do fire me for volunteering for the special olympics hahaha ur crazy No I am doing this appearance. You do not need details. Its for the SPECIAL OLYMPICS!!! You just need to know I will be doing it alright

You will not facilitate this appearance

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: “Keith Lewis”Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 08:01:35 -0700To: Subject: RE: Messages


As we have discussed, there is proper protocol and we have not waived our rights in any way to your contract. I am happy to try and facilitate the request. Please forward over the information along with the proper contact and we will try and confirm the appearance right away.

Best regards,

Keith Lewis

From: cprejeanXXXXSent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:40 AMTo: Keith LewisSubject: Re: Messages

I expect you to be forwarding me ALL email requests and interview requests to me. I know how you are and its not right if you are selecting things for me. Thanks for your cooperation And fyi I am a presenter of medals at the special olympics in a few weeks for the summer games. So now u know I am doing this and I expect your full support. Also I was asked to fill in for a dj on a local radio show.. Ill be reading from a show biz script monday. I am doing this

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: “Keith Lewis”Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 07:49:07 -0700To: Subject: RE: Messages


I have given you the details completely. Perhaps it is not something you would like to partake in, either way, you can let me know and I will respond to them today.

Best regards,

Keith Lewis

From: cprejeanXXXXSent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:42 AMTo: Keith LewisSubject: Re: Messages

Just as you need details for things so do I. Also nice move trying to make money off of my appearances Also.. Do not try and silence me by saying I do not have a comment about the prop 8 ruling. Maybe you don’t. I do

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: “Keith Lewis”Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 07:43:45 -0700To: Subject: RE: Messages


It is for a general meeting – please see the explanation below.

Best regards,

Keith Lewis

From: cprejeanXXXXSent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:38 AMTo: Keith LewisSubject: Re: Messages

What is this for?

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: “Keith Lewis”Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 07:19:18 -0700To: Carrie PrejeanSubject: FW: Messages


The Style Network has asked to schedule a general meeting. Generals in the entertainment field are an opportunity for casting and producing executives to gain a better understanding of a potential talents range and demeanor in order to consider them for future projects. They are done without a specific agenda. I have had great success with my actors who have taken generals and would suggest you give it strong consideration. You never know where it may lead and sometimes they develop entire shows around you. The following days are available to meet with them here in LA. Please let me know as soon as possible if any of them work for you.

Best regards,

Keith Lewis


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15 years ago

This girl WANTS the issue to be with her not supporting gay marriage, not the pageant or the public. She deserved to be fired as this is not the proper behavior of a beauty queen who is supposed to be setting examples for young women. She’s uncooperative, argumentative, demanding, and just down right snotty. I could care less what her opinion is on gay marriage, as she is not really anyone of relevance LOL. She was Miss California and didn’t win the title of Miss USA…so, really, what does that make her? The next Paris Hilton or desperate girl to… Read more »

miss j.
miss j.
15 years ago

It is sad that this is considered a lengthy read.

15 years ago

u should state to “read from the bottom on up”
…took me a couple of secs b4 i realized I was reading it backwards.

miss j.
miss j.
15 years ago

re: laura. thank you for feeling so compelled to share your idiocy.

15 years ago
Reply to  miss j.

it’s what I do best.

15 years ago
Reply to  Laura

LOL! Handled very well.

15 years ago

She was railroaded by the trio of Perez “The Vulgar” Hilton, Shanna “Porno-Poser”Moakler and Keith “Gay Agenda” Lewis…… what a reputable crew. They claim to have given 30 or 40 tasks for her first month….. and included playboy (shanna’s connections no doubt) and some crap TV thing just to add insult. And then giving her flack over the Special Olympics knowing that she is a volunteer with Luv Em Up and Best Buddies, organizations that help people with disibilities. And she’s studying Special Education. I would have been much less tactful if they were pulling that crap with me. She… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  railroaded

Do you have a “disibility?” Luckily they didn’t pull this crap with you because I am guessing you are too fat and ugly to ever even be looked at twice for a beauty pageant. Claiming you would “by” the book of a hardly mid-level intellectual is embarrassing, it is not inspirational or showing a “you go girl!” attitude. I don’t back Carrie Prejean solely for the fact that she has no credentials intellectually. She knows she ruined her chances by not following simple guidelines, so now she is trying to blame it on her answer. If she did not want… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Hmm… I like how the first thing out of your mouth to “railroaded” is “You’re fat and ugly, so you’re wrong! Lulz!” but you claim to not support Carrie because she’s not intellectual enough for you.


15 years ago
Reply to  railroaded

you are a stupid cunt

Ralph Peiler
Ralph Peiler
15 years ago

It seems that more and more our society is being corrupted by Gay Rights. It has also infultrated the highest ranks in our society. I back Carrie Prejean because her comment was the best answer that anyone could give. I am proud of Her for speaking up and sticking to what is the best and most ethical and morale choice. This is all about Gay rights. Remember if you can the Host of the pageant the next day on Fox News. Speaking out entirely at how wrong Miss Prejeans answer was because of her beleifs. It is so disgusting to… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Peiler

how is it NOT right to choose to be gay?? i guess the bible outweighs the constituion afterall! Hey, maybe america’s new slogan can be: “if u are born w/ a genetic disorder & feel like being a fairy, u will burn in HELL”. the end.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Peiler

Ralph, Congrats on being as ignorant as Carrie Prejean. She never even answered the question.

Rocio Anica
Rocio Anica
15 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Peiler

Your reply saddens me. It doesn’t address the exchange between the two individuals above, and, also, you capitalize random words. This, I’m pretty sure, makes baby jesus cry. (Notice how I didn’t capitalize? This is called irony). As a rebuttal to your unfortunate reply, I assert that you need to elaborate on the connection between the corruption of society to gay rights (hereafter known as human rights). What evidence do you use to maintain this connection (tell me, so I can rip it apart). Please, also, elaborate on who or what has been infiltrated, and who or what do you… Read more »

Christopher Wiley
Christopher Wiley
15 years ago
Reply to  Rocio Anica

Thank you so much. I almost felt as though you were inside my head. Illiterate and ignorant people on the internet with their inane (I didn’t mean “insane,” fuckers) comments or downright thoughtless and selfish views on how their convenience is what should be considered right… it makes you ill, doesn’t it? With no rhyme or reason that goes beyond, what can simply be defined as, absolute prejudice. I thought we had the ability to keep our thoughts and views to ourselves if it meant downgrading another human being’s life in any way. And even if we speak up for… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Rocio Anica

Thank you, Rocco, for being articulate, intelligent, and persuasive. You’ve restored my faith that anonymous internet postings can still be grammatically sound.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Peiler

Um, did you just refer to the Miss USA pageant as “the highest ranks in our society” ??

If that’s your perception you have A LOT more to worry about than how America is being seen in the world for providing equal rights to homosexuals!!


15 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Peiler

you are a pathetic waste of a human being Ralph. do society a favor and kill yourself. violently

15 years ago

<3 u blemish!

15 years ago

I support Carrie Prejean 100%. She is a beautiful lady who is caught up in a dirty business. Donald Trump should be ashamed of himself for not supporting her. I can’t believe that a misfit like Perez Hilton is allowed to judge anyone. Send Hilton back to the outside toilets of SF Ca.

15 years ago
Reply to  Jplourde

Being beautiful should make you immune to any rules, shouldn’t it? I totally agree, because then I could do whatever I wanted.

15 years ago
Reply to  Sarah


15 years ago

The fact that anyone gives a s**t about any beauty pageant contestant or what they think about ANYTHING is the real tragedy here. She is CONTRACTUALLY obligated to perform the tasks the pageant people set up for her. She didn’t, therefore she was canned. End of story.

15 years ago

I don’t think this has anything to do with her stance on gay marriage since it was only mentioned once on Carrie’s side, It was about Mr. Lewis filling her in on an opportunity and her being a complete snob about it. If she didn’t want to do it all she had to say was no. And as far as her being a medal presenter at the special Olympics and standing in for a DJ all Mr. Lewis wanted was the details so he could put them on the calendar and she couldn’t even give him those without the drama.

15 years ago

this girl’s an immature brat..i love in the e-mail when the director wants to know her schedule, in case “you become missing after the event or you are in an accident before the event”…sounds like he was gonna take care of her..mafia style.

15 years ago
Reply to  chewy

Beautiful girls are often brats. They’ve always been handed everything they want, they’ve been drooled over by boys and men all their lives. Treated like a princess the entire time they were growing up. It’s not a surprise that when they get any opposition to anything, they lash out. One doesn’t have to be a beauty queen to be cursed with this phenomena. I’ve met plenty of really attractive women and many times they act like flat out bitches, and it’s because they get away with it. It doesn’t ALWAYS happen; I’ve met several beautiful girls that are very down… Read more »

15 years ago

I like how people (HI, RALPH) ignore the point of this post and focus on how the gays are out to get them.

Mike Nait
Mike Nait
15 years ago

I just saw an interview with Matt Laurer and she said she was totally cooperative. These emails, if real, prove she is lying and not only that, but a huge bitch too.

15 years ago

love her email, cprejeanXXXX, as if we didn’t already know she was a slut

15 years ago
Reply to  anon

The series of x’s are there to block the ending of her email address, so that people wouldn’t be able to contact her personally.

15 years ago

HATE. She is a waste of space.

15 years ago

Wow. What a cunt. She deserved every bit of her comeuppance and it’s sweet to know that it happened.

This Is Me Posting
This Is Me Posting
15 years ago

You use this word “lengthy.”

I do not think it means what you think it means.

15 years ago

I completely support Carrie. Whilst I may not personally agree with her opinion on same-sex marriage I respect her right to free speech. Isn’t this what America prides itself on? I believe Carrie was forced out of her title. The Miss America managers couldn’t straight out fire Carrie because America has millions of deeply religious citizens with the same beliefs as Carrie; so to fire her they would end up alienating half of America. No-one wanted that as it would look like the Miss America managers are silencing the right to free speech and advocating political correctness. So instead they… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie

Yeah, I bet they tricked her into taking those topless photos and then told her to lie and say “it was windy that day.” And since they knew she’d give that answer to that question they requested her to do things that they knew she’d refuse BEFORE the pageant even happened to they’d have amo afterwards. And her attitude and refusal to comply with simple protocol with her BOSSES? That make her do that too. Trained her from childhood to be a snotty brat so they could cover up their grand conspiracy to silence her free speech later on. Please,… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie

Lizzie you are a stupid cunt and a waste of a human being. do us a favor and kill yourself soon. today even.

15 years ago
Reply to  thomas

wow thomas your a friendly fellow

15 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie

no offense i disagree with her answer but she could have done it so much more eloquently. you dont like gay people, she doesnt like gay people. whatever; thats your deal and your homophobia. but she could have totally spun her answer better. she could have said ‘well personally i disagree with the choice, but the amazing thing about america is that we live in a country that sets states rights above the federal governments regime at times. and i believe that it is an individual decision for each and every good american to make for themselve. that is what… Read more »

15 years ago

I do not understand the hoopla surrounding Carrie’s comments on gay marriage. She absolutely is entitled to voice her opinion, and to see such a backlash is despairing. As for Carrie’s apparent uncooperativeness, it looks real but the media can make anything look different than it is, if taken out of context. So, I don’t know. I only hope she learns from her experience, and can move on without becoming bitter. And everybody, leave her alone. She’s not much more than a kid, and the attacks are not worthy of those that should know better. Good luck, Carrie.

15 years ago
Reply to  Cherie

Cherie – you can say what you want but you take the response too. you can support this cunt and i can call you a stupid whore cunt for supporting her. which is true btw. now go kill yourself.

15 years ago

I totally agree with Carrie Prejean’s decision to express her opinion and standing up for her free speech.
However, I think she should have been fired since the photos first surfaced, and this has nothing to do with her not supporting gay marriage. It has everything to do with her breach of contract.
From reading the exchange, if it is true then she was definitely uncooperative and snobbishly rude.
She is trying to make herself out to be a martyr and trying to hide behind her answer.

15 years ago

The bottom line is that this whole situation started over her being asked a question. A question to which she gave an answer that upset a lot of people. It was her opinion and she is entitled to it (personally I think gay people have the right to be miserable… I mean married just like everybody else as long as it is sanctioned by the government and not by a religous institution. That would be hypocritical on the churches part to me). She may have been a snotty little bitch (what beauty queen isn’t?) but I believe she was fired… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Brad – go get a gun and shoot yourself in your head. everyone will be better off.

Mr Hmmm,
Mr Hmmm,
15 years ago

I agree with Lizzie and Cherie,after reading the “lengthy” correspondence btw them, I still find it hard to believe that she was fired over that! Obstinate is one thing, managing it as another, and its the organizers role to manage their talent despite their shortcomings……….case in point, ex beauty queens. Unless there are other emails that we will never hear of,then me thinks,this firing is based on an excuse not a compelling reason. trust me I’m sure the organisers have dealt with worse behind the scenes.

15 years ago

I have to wonder – are we reeeeally sure this is for real? Sorry, I’m a skeptic – these emails just seem a little over the top in bitchery.

15 years ago
Reply to  Talia

No, the liberal media planted them because she hates gays. She would never behave this way! She is truly an open-minded individual with respect for everyone.

15 years ago

wow who the hell talks like that in a business email? She sounded like a snotty 14 year old sending missives on facebook. What a moron. She wants to put the focus on the fact that the judges didn’t like her support of “opposite marriage” (her words) rather than the fact that she was a huge bit*h who didn’t want to fulfill her contractual obligations and acted like a stupid sh*tf*cker to the rest of the people in the organization. I’m glad the stupid wh*re lost her crown, now she can become a martyr for the rightwing and stump for… Read more »

15 years ago

Although I personally do not agree with her views on gay rights I think she has a lot of balls to state her true opinion instead of being fake or dodging the question. I think she could use a lesson on how to communicate with her “bosses” though. I’m pretty sure I would have used complete sentences and taken the time to type “you” instead of writing “u”. Sadly, the truth of the matter is Miss America pageants are a load of crap. It should be about intelligent, beautiful, and talented women. Not just beautiful women who paid for there… Read more »