I’ve been had

E! says that the story of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag being kicked off the show was all a stunt to boost ratings. That or Spencer and Heidi realized they were nothing without reality tv and begged to be let back on.

Sources say that while they did leave the set, they’re going to have a “dramatic” return on Wednesday’s episode. On his Twitter, Spencer wrote: “say a prayer that NBC let’s us go back on and eat more disgusting things! Heidi ate a rats tail and three scorpions?” Which makes sense, I suppose, because after catching the last minute of Conan O’Brien, they were running commercials featuring those two nitwits.

I can’t believe I was duped into believing Spencer Pratt. That’s like being tricked by a piece of cardboard. Is this how Britney Spears feels all the time? Ugh. Not a good feeling. Now I know why she eats. To forget.

The above header photo is supposedly Heidi and Spencer arriving at LAX. It’s most likely a stunt because none of the photos actually show their faces and you know that if it was really them, they’d be mugging for the camera as soon as they left the plane. Spencer would let the paparazzi have a 24 hour feed into his colon if they asked.

[Image: Splash News]

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