You may have heard something about Omer Bhatti, the 25-year-old from Norway many suspect to be Michael Jackson’s secret son. Well, Joe Jackson today confirmed that it’s true. Michael stuck his penis in a real live girl one time.
“Yes, I knew he had another son, yes I did,” Joe Jackson told NewsOne/TVOne of the alleged love child. “He looks like a Jackson, acts like a Jackson, can dance like a Jackson. This boy is a fantastic dancer.”
I can understand looking and acting like Michael, but somehow I don’t think dancing like Michael Jackson is a genetic trait. There’s no gene for the moonwalk that I know of. And there’s no gene for being awesome like me either. I just threw that last one in there in case you were wondering.
Wow has Joe Jackson already had a chance to beat this kid with a belt? ‘Yup…boy can walk backwards alright..must be a Jackson’
So when does he turn white?
so billy jean was right , it was his son…………