Entertainment Weekly has the first shots of Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow in Iron Man 2. If you have no idea who Black Widow is, then let EW explain. I’ll be over her staring at Scarlett in leather.
Adding more flesh and blood to the new movie, Scarlett Johansson joined the cast as Stark’s mysterious new assistant, Natasha, who has an alter ego of her own, Black Widow. That introduction inevitably sparks romantic tension between Stark and former assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), who’s been promoted to CEO of Stark Industries. “The men want it to be, like, ‘Ooh, the girls are fighting over Tony,’ but it’s not as standard as that,” says Paltrow. “There’s a weird male catfight fantasy. Downey agrees. He believes what differentiates the franchise from other superhero series can be summarized as follows: “We’re horny. Not, like, can’t-bring-your-kids horny, but just…horny.”
A super fight between Black Widow and Pepper Potts? If this was real life, I’d be calling for Scarlett to suffocate Gwyneth with her breasts. “Use your boobs and hold them to her face!,” I’d scream. Then again, I’d be shouting the same thing for the movie too. Now that I think about it, I guess that was a good enough reason to ban me from AMC when I did that during My Sister’s Keeper.
The cover after the jump.
ok, I’m sorry. but I can’t seem to get past the fact that this action movie stars Robert Downey Junior. C’mon really. That alone made me not want to see it…I wouldn’t be able to believe the storyline. UGH. couldn’t they find some other younger male actor to portray IronMan? One that is more believable other than Charlie Chapman & the GOOP bitch?
^^ I totally agree. I can’t stand all the cast except Mickey Rourke. I hate Scar Ho and that C**T GOOP!
ScarJo looks absolutely delectable in her cat suit!
Robert Downey Jr. did an amazing job as Tony Stark. Guess Robert Pattinson can’t play every role in Hollywood to make you people happy.
I so agree with you.
Don’t get me wrong, I think RDJ is a fantastic talented actor. But putting him in a role as a “comic book action hero” is qyite ridiculous to me. RDJ was probably high went the movie exec proposed the deal & had him sign on for 15 sequels.
They are really trying to kill the franchise. First replacing Terence Howard with scrawny Don Cheadle who doesn’t fit the role. Now casting ScarHo who can’t act her way out of a paper bag and isn’t very attractive; and I love redheads.
i thank that the made the right chose for the roll for IRON MAN.HE is Iron Man.now lets talk about Mickey Rourke.for me he is just the wrong guy for this move i thank he well bring down this move and the well not mack the MONEY that the made the first time around..as for the Black Widow i thank the made a good chose as picking Scarlett Johansson as the BLACK WIDOW..like to c more pic of her in the out fixt.{ :
Wow, for all those who have a problem with Robert Downey Jr in this role, pick up a Marvel comic of Iron Man and tell me if a former playboy alcoholic isn’t the perfect choice to play a former playboy alcoholic. It’s people like you who ruin adaptations. You don’t care about the original material, you just want to see more Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Also for the people putting down Robert Downey Jr as an “action hero”. It’s not as though he has to be young and virile to play a guy in a robotic suit. The suit is doing most of the action, he’s just the brains and money (and character) behind it. I think RDJ is the perfect fit for Iron Man.