Brad Pitt + Juliette Lewis = Because he was high

Juliette Lewis sullies Brad Pitt’s name to garner attention towards her July interview with BlackBook Mag. It’s August now, but factoring in that it’s Juliette Lewis, I’d consider her little ploy a success.

Lewis reveals to BlackBook Mag how her and Brad Pitt used to get down with Mary Jane back in the day. I can’t say I find this type of seedy behavior surprising. Brad strikes me as the kind of guy to publicly humiliate his wife of five years by cheating on her and leaving her for a more beautiful, more successful, more famous woman and traipse around the globe picking up and keeping small children as living artifacts of the places they’ve been. And, I must say, that kind of guy is my hero.

“We were both struggling actors and Brad blew up after we were together, when Legends of the Fall came out. We both had our turning points—there were six months between the release of Thelma & Louise and Cape Fear—but for half of our relationship, we were just unknown young actors in L.A. I even remember his little bungalow that we lived in off Melrose that we’d smoke lots of pot in. Then we split and he became Brad Pitt, and I became whoever I am now.”

By the way…who is Juliette Lewis?

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All Women Stalker
15 years ago

What she is now is a weird rock star of some sort. While Brad is Brad.


15 years ago

Seriously, her and Brad? Does anybody know proper English anymore?

15 years ago

Yes. Do you?

Glen Danzig
Glen Danzig
15 years ago

Juliette Lewis is HOT as F#%K!!!

13 years ago

Seems to me a perfectly reasonable anecdote to relate about her early working years, given that the interviewer probably brought up the “and you lived with Brad for a while” question in the first place.
The writer here seems much more petty and vindictive than that of of which she seems to be accusing the rock singer, though it’s difficult to tell what her point is, given the layers of “too cool” irony in writing style.