Coley Laffoon is disturbed

Anne Heche does her best gopher impersonation

And not because he was once attracted to Anne Heche. Coley Laffoon manned up despite his unfortunate name and responded to Anne Heche’s verbal lashing on Wednesday’s Late Show With David Letterman. In response to being called a “lazy ass”, he tells Us,

“After coming home from showing two different clients two different condominiums, I was disturbed to see Anne taking out her personal frustration on the father of her child on national television.”

He also posted on Facebook, “I wish Anne Heche could see that public bullying isn’t good for the soul or positive for her child. It’s mean.”

You know what’s mean, Coley Laffoon? Having your child’s mother be Anne Heche. You know what else is mean, Coley Laffoon? Marissa Miller’s restraining order against me. Why does she keep fighting the inevitable? Answer me that, Coley Laffoon.

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15 years ago

I thought Anne Heche was gay?

All Women Stalker
15 years ago

She was gay. Then she wasnt. Then she had kids.

What she did on Letterman was just wrong.
