Eric Dane’s McSteamy threesome

Defamer managed to snag a 12-minute tape staring Eric Dane, his wife Rebecca Gayheart and former Miss Teen USA 2002 Kari Ann Peniche. There’s no sex at all during those 12 minutes so I felt a little robbed when I watched this. If it’s any consolation, there are topless chicks. In the video (here, Fleshbot will post the uncensored version later), all three are high and discussing various topics such as what their porn names should be and how Kari’s 7-year-old brother is smarter than her.

A little background about the people here. Eric Dane, 36, plays Dr. McSteamy in Grey’s Anataomy. Rebecca Gayheart, 38, killed a nine-year-old with her car while she was on her cell phone. She’s also acted in films and whatever and the National Enquirer posted a pic of her smoking a crack pipe with another topless woman in a bath from 2003. Kari Ann Peniche, 25, was stripped of her Miss Teen USA crown for posing in Playboy. Kari was also once engaged to Aaron Carter. Basically, everyone in the tape is a winner.

Being a celebrity is great. You make millions of dollars reading lines from a script someone else wrote and get to go home, get high and watch two or more naked chicks bathe together. It almost beats out being a blogger as the best job in the world. Almost. I don’t mean to brag, but I don’t even have to wear pants when I’m writing.

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15 years ago

the whole is not gonna chose film, because there is updating that a steamier version is coming online soon. Someone may feel high, someone may feel exciting, while someone may be dying. Would Rebecca still feel she is “so high”? I don’t think so.

15 years ago

I guess these people they never could learn a lesson, with another person they should know that the tape would be leaked someday.
And when the person happened to be Peniche,
This lady, she never is an easy kind.

15 years ago

i like this one