Jessica Simpson is fat, sometimes

Jessica Simpson recently admitted to Glamour magazine of her lifelong struggle with her fluctuating weight. As a child, she would write in her journal, “I’m lying here and all I can think about is that my stomach is hanging over my underwear.” That’s funny, as many children today have written that exact same thing about her in their own journals.

She credits Romo with helping her come to terms with her evident fall to excessive amounts of baby back ribs and cupcakes. With Romo, she describes, “you can just relax and feel beautiful.” She went on to say, “If this article comes out and we’re not together, I’d still love [Tony], and he’d still be a huge part of who I am today.” One can’t help but notice she makes no mention of the double bacon Whopper stuffed with fries and dipped in strawberry milkshake also being a huge part of who she is today.

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15 years ago

Funny write up Jessica.

I liked the strawberry milkshake the best.

Stephanie V.
Stephanie V.
15 years ago

This made me LMAO, nice!