Alec Baldwin recently criticized Hollywood actresses for being so skinny. I assume he’s just pissed that it really magnifies his fatassness by comparison. Alec went as far as to say he would never physically be able to shoot sex scenes with actresses such as Renee Zellweger because he would end up crushing them. Once again. With his fatassness. Alec joked, “Women today are so skinny. If I did a love scene with them, I would crush them. If I did a love scene with Renee, I would kill her!”
I’m sure Renee and the others will be heartbroken that they’ll never get to make fake love with Alec Baldwin. I know I would be too if I was one of said skinny actresses. To have that man lying on top of you breathing heavily and squirming around trying to position himself sounds like a dream come true. Alas, it’ll never happen. Why would he deprive women of such romance? What a jerk.
[Hampton Festival, October 8. Image via Splash News]
To me it sounds like you might be more sensitive about the issue than either Alec or Renee.
According to other sources Alec and Renee are actually friends and the comment was not meant as an attack or insult (as you apparently took it) but as good-humoured ribbing (no pun intended) among friends.
To me it sounds like you might be more sensitive about this.
“To me it sounds like you might be more sensitive about this.”
Wow, the Blemish, is that your best comeback?
I agree with Alec Baldwin. Yeah, he’s overweight, but he’s still right.
I’m sorry. I guess you were expecting something longer. Okay, for you.
I know Alec was joking and if you couldn’t figure out I was doing the same, then you might be a tad oversensitive.
Whatever, he’s right. Renee’s two twigs wrapped in flesh.
Lemme guess, you’re a fatty?
Yep! He IS right. As is everyone else when they assume it’s you that has the issue with weight. I don’t understand how you could have sex with a real life female Jack Skellington.
haha jack skellington. I love that movie!
i agree with the other statement. Alec is right, u are trippin.
I believe the correct term is “fatassEDness”
I’m sure he only got fat so he could crush women underneath him and then plead fatassness.
he’s totally right! and he was joning! she totally looks like a skelleton and she\s least he was hot once, when he was younger. she was always ugly but strangely enough looked much better when she was fat on briget jones than now
@clamum —
some women are too skinny…renee included. it’s a medical fact. agreeing with such doesn’t men a person is a fatty. it means they have common sense and a healthy idea of body image and weight when it comes to extremes (too fat or too thin).
Alec Baldwin is just stating his opinion. I agree, Renee Zellweger is WAY too skinny! You know it’s things said by ‘ THE BLEMISH’ and other pathetic sites and magazines like this That put such a bad name on well respected people like Alec Baldwin and Renee Zellwegger. No wonder young teens and adults are destroying there lives. Just like there are people who are too big, there are people too skinny. Why is it okay to make fun of the big people, but when one little comment is said about a skinny person all hell breaks loose? Whoever made… Read more »