Megan Fox did a shoot for the New York Times and of course they had to ugly her up. This looks like porn you’d see in the 1600’s. I’ve seen hotter spreads in the grocery ads in my newspaper. If the New York Times wants to do a real sexy, understated photo shoot, they should have me do it. After an hour of drooling and fumbling for the camera, I’m sure I’d get a good shot. Maybe. That or I’d have to excuse myself to the bathroom every five minutes because my erection would be trying to tear through my jeans.
Over this? The writer must be getting paid by Megan Faux’s agent for saying that. This chick is a plain, normal looking girl who they are trying to make into something extraordinary, but it just ain’t workin.
We’ve always loved Angelina and she is a hell of a lot prettier than Megan Faux… plus she can act and is an intelligent woman. Megan is dumb as a rock and doesn’t know how to act or speak. She copied all of Angelina’s tricks, and now everyone thinks she is just a cut-rate wannabe. It’s her fault for allowing her PR agent to ruin her. She should have been herself instead of creating this fake personality. Oh, and that valley girl voice? (worse than nails on a chalkboard)
Oh god, change the effing tune, stop comparing Megan Fox to Angelina Jolie. Do you see Megan Fox copping off with her brother, wearing a vial of blood around her neck, wrecking marraiges and adopting kids like they’re fashion accessories? No. She’s just getting paid for looking hot… she isn’t the only one out there that does it. Angelina’s done it too. It’s funny how it’s always insecure, jealous women who like to tear into hot actresses who get paid to look good. Jealous much!
We love Angelina Jolie because she *IS* beautiful, intelligent, and is an Oscar winning actress. We don’t like this ignorant fart talking fake personality wannabe known as Megan Faux. Nobody will ever be as beautiful, cool or interesting as Angelina Jolie. Many try.
I do find it funny how hard she tries to copy Angelina Jolie… maybe she should keep trying. Sean if you don’t think Angelina Jolie is hot then you must be gay.
Fly… fly like a bird Meggy.
Hey Sean, you’re really misinformed. People can have opinions and issues with a good looking woman and NOT be jealous. That’s just your only comeback and it gets regurgitated way to often. There is nothing this girl has that I couldn’t buy for myself and have implanted.
What makes her loathsome is how she boasts about how she doesn’t care what anyone thinks and yet she has surgically altered herself to changed all of her features.
She also refers to herself as a “badass”…that’s like giving yourself a nickname. So lame.
Yea I know she says: I’m smart, I’m funny, I have a badass personality. haha is she trying to convince us or herself? She is pretty, but she is so ridiculously stupid and fake it makes her unattractive and phony.
Oh my, Miss Fox is far prettier than AJ and this pic is stunning.