Taylor Swift hosted SNL last Saturday where she sang about her douchebag ex-boyfriend Joe Jonas who cheated and broke up with her over the phone, her relationship Taylor Lautner and the Kanye West incident in her monologue. It wasn’t exactly the funniest thing ever, but it still gave me a laugh. Mainly because the Jonas Brothers seem like little dweebs that need a good ass-kicking.
I didn’t find Taylor to be funny at all. She is a whiny little girl who needs to act like the adult she is supposed to be and take responsibility for her own actions. It’s easy to blame other people for your problems. The Jonas Brothers are not dweebs. They just had the misfortune of spending time with her in the summer of 2008. Not sure any guy would want to get anywhere near that kind of girl.
Are you in love with The Jonas Brothers?
I love the Jonas Brothers. I don’t care if they’re dweebs…that’s probably why I like them. They’re dweeby but when they play live they blow you away. And they aren’t poseurs like just about everyone else.
As for Ms. Swift…at this I’m totally oppressed by her charming,adorable, dorky-normal girl victimhood tactics. I give her endless credit for how well it’s working on everyone else, can’t hate her for doing her thing…but OY, it makes me want to barf.
I’m letting everyone see my usually well hidden JB obsession, but whatever it’s the interent. Joe Jonas didn’t cheay on Swift, yes he broke up with her over the phone but SO WHAT? Would she have preferred that he lied about his feelings for the next few months until they were on the same continent again? She should get over herself.
omgosh she is sooo mean..she dont have to be like this!!!maybe it was her fault that they broke up!
If you are a fan of either Swift or the Jonas’.. that is so pathetic, that I can’t even find the words to describe it. Forget about their publicity driven lives and worry about your own.
She’s actually funny! Who knew?
oh, and btw, f**k the Jonas Brothers. They are nothing but CDRs (Christian Disney Robots).
The difference between Taylor Swift and the Jonas is that she actually has talent and will probably have a music career in the 2020’s unlike the almost has-been Jonas.
This wasn’t funny atall, and she sucks for mentioning joe jonas in this, hes a good guy and certainly not a douche – taylors the douche!