Carls Jr. got Kim Kardashian to whore out some salad for them the same way they got Paris Hilton to whore out their burger. With massive sexual innuendo. Kim inexplicably goes from the bed eating salad to the bathtub eating salad. I think that was the most creative way to get her half naked. Not sure why they needed to do that anyway. She practically mouth fucks the thing the entire commercial. But fellating a salad isn’t the most surprising part about this commercial. The most surprising part is that the salad wasn’t black.
That commercial is awful. Why do they think they have to have commercials like that to sell there stuff. It’s disgusting!!!!!
“But fellating a salad isn’t the most surprising part about this commercial. The most surprising part is that the salad wasn’t black.” – awesome :-)
Oh, I get it. You hating cause a fine white women chose black, and on the regular. Your observations could not have been more racist. I found you a cool commentator till you revealed your demons. Wish you were bangin’ Kim, I’m sure. Probably wish you had a long C**k like that clown Ray J, too, don’t you? Wish you had a long C**k with Kim’s pouty lips wrapped around it, like that clown Ray J, too, I would bet. Stop hating, Blemish writer. Life is too short.
That got me real hot.
You call that month funcking?????? Looks like she was just eating to me. First off how the f**k is a salad going to be black?? And whats wrong with her liking black guys??
That apple was practically dripping with semen.
I mean do we need these people in our lives. Enough already with these whores.
shes not white btw, shes arminian. is it stll racist??
Really. Do they think that is going to make them money? “Hey guys buy this salad, we know how awful it tastes so think of a nasty slut while you eat it” ..Maybe they should try and use some creativity instead of flaunting sex all over TV like every other commercial does. It’s pathetic how lazy and uncreative the marketing world has become.