Karin Dreijer from Fever Ray and The Knife gave an inspired acceptance speech at a Swedish awards show. She was dressed as I don’t know what the f**k. People need to stop being so weird. Why can’t she accept her award with dignity? Like in a top hat and monocle. Now that’s class. At least this shows up Lady Gaga. You know at her next acceptance speech Gaga is going to come dressed as one of those aliens from District 9 and start eating cat food just to show Karin up.
This is awesome. It’s a big f-u to social rules and expectations. I love her.
“People need to stop being so weird.”
Why? I honestly find this inspiring. People seem to be afraid of creativity and everything they don’t understand. For no reason! We should all do more ‘weird’ things.
The world’s not built by average people who do what others come to expect from them.
I’ll take this over Madonna smooching (look it up kids) and Kanye tomfoolery any day.
Sorry, but…..what a foolish comment!
People need to stop being so weird?????
You see “generic” artist at TV all the time!!, you hear “generic” artists on the radio all the time!!!.
We are tired of “empty” singers/composers!!
When somebody different appears you have to read this kind of silly comments.
Same thing when Bjork appeared some years ago…..
And listen to this: women are tired to be just a sexual object!. They wanna be recognized by their talent, no matter if you don’t know their face
Gaby is spot-on, people are missing the point behind this.