Heidi Montag got the cover of PEOPLE magazine by rearranging her face and revealing that she’s “addicted to plastic surgery.” Heidi now says she’s not. “She just wants to be as beautiful as she can be, inside and out.” Through plastic surgery. Hopefully, her surgeon does refunds.
Heidi showed up for Good Morning America on Tuesday and stated, “I would say that none of those people know me at all, and that’s just a judgment. I’m not addicted. If I were addicted, I would have had 10 plastic surgeries.” If you’re scratching your heads, thinking to yourself that you could have sworn Heidi said she had 10 surgeries in a day, let Heidi clarify that for you. She had 10 procedures in a single day. Addiction would be if she had 10 plastic surgeries on different days. Common mistake.
Many observers are upset with the message that’s sent to young girls when an already attractive 23-year-old chooses to undergo so many alterations. But Montag says it’s her life – and in her line of work, alterations can be necessary.
“I’m in a different industry,” she said, “and I have to do things that are going to make me happy at the end of the day.”
At the end of the interview, Heidi was asked to sing a little something something. Heidi refused claiming her jaw was still delicate from surgery. And also from all the bj’s she had to give to get her new album out. Face it. The only reason Heidi didn’t sing is she can’t. It’d have been like asking Sigourney Weaver to turn into the 10-foot tall blue cat from Avatar.
I can’t embed the interview, but you can watch it here. This girl is a train wreck.