If you made it through the Oscar death montage on Sunday without falling asleep, then you may have noticed that among the actors, actresses, writers, execs, production assistants and that homeless man who hangs around the lot every day, two notable people were left out. Those being Farrah Fawcett who died of cancer last June and Bea Arthur who died last April at 86. Radar wanted an explanation so they asked Academy Awards rep Leslie Unger who probably didn’t even watch the montage. She said:
It is highly unlikely that we forgot about Farrah Fawcett but we unfortunately don’t include everyone each year.” She added: “There are many angles that are looked at as to who to include and unfortunately we don’t include everyone.”
Bruce Davis, executive director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, explained that the committee always has to make tough cuts days before the show.
“It is the single most troubling element of the Oscar show every year,” he said. “Because more people die each year than can possibly be included in that segment.” His office keeps a running list of those who have passed away since last year’s segments which he and a small committee whittle down from more than 100 names to about 30. “You are dropping people who the public knows. It’s just not comfortable.”
I’m not saying Farrah Fawcett’s death or Bea Arthur’s death was more important than any others, but if they’re going to put David Carradine up there who choked himself to death while whacking off, they should at least put Farrah and Bea Arthur up as well. At least with those two, you don’t get all the old Hollywood stars asking, “Wait, explain to me how he died again? He put a rope around his neck and did what?”
Too bad about Farrah but do we really need to see fucking Alana Stewart’s fucking face every fucking time fucking Farrah is fucking mentioned? I fucking hate that sycophantic fame whore.
Leslie Unger is a pathetic twat… she can go suck MJ’s bleached dick for not including Fara and putting in a child molester who never even started in a damn movie.
Eat a dik bitch for you pathetic response to the situation.
We lost a wonderful talent this year….Bea Arthur. The Oscar’s might have forgotten Bea but I haven’t.
I found this clip of Miss Arthur’s final interview with Bea discussing her career in her own words. The clip also shows Betty White, Carol Channing and Phyllis Diller. I think it’s for a show called, “Lunching with a Legend.”
I’d hate for a full interview with Bea or the other legendary ladies in the clip to go unseen.