Justin Timberlake is a betrayer

At least that’s what Us Weekly says. Sources say Just Timberlake and The Joker are openly flirting with each other on the set of Bad Teacher. “He tortured Jess by taking this role, and they are reaching a breaking point. The truth is, I don’t know if they can survive this.”

It’s said that there’s “lots of laughing, making fun of each other, kidding around off camera” and that Cameron Diaz is “sassy with him — and slick, prancing around in tight clothes.” Okay, i guess Cameron Diaz’s mule laugh counts as flirting.

They add that Justin won’t marry Biel because he doesn’t respect her anymore and even makes fun of her behind her back.

Um, whatever. Biel is ten times better than Diaz. Plus, Biel is so cut up that I’m pretty sure she can kick Diaz’s ass and Justin’s. The only reason Justin doesn’t make fun of Biel to her face is she might punch a hole through him. She’s like the Incredible Hulk except scarier.


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