Kate Gosselin is good at one thing and one thing only. Being a stuck-up bitch. Consequently, she nailed that during her routine on Dancing With the Stars last night. The dancing part, not so much. Unless dancing like a stiff piece of cardboard was part of the choreography.
Kate performed the Paso Doble to Lady Gaga’s ‘Paparazzi’. She bombed. At the end of the routine, Bruno quipped, “For once, you played the character — you had the look of the super bitch from hell!” That was the only compliment judges gave her. A tiger with a bear’s arm up in its ass would have looked more comfortable than Kate Gosselin.
She’s HORRIBLE!!! The only reason she’s even on the show is so we have something to point at and mock.
America, please vote this talentless hag off. Is that how the show works? If not, can we make it so?