Sarah Jessica Parker steps out with her Madonna arms

Jesus christ. Has this chick been doing roids? Last time She-Hulk went out, her arms were all sinewy and gnarled like she discovered Madonna’s secret to being gross. Today her arms look like Hulk Hogan’s. Veiny and muscley. I’m too scared to even make fun of her anymore. She might find me and punch through my chest to rip out my still beating heart and raise it above her head while a booming voice in the background yells, “FATALITY!”

[Pacific Coast News]

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14 years ago

I know the tag says SJP, but who’s that man in the picture…..????

14 years ago

I think it’s that dude from Jane’s Addiction, #1H8R

14 years ago

Dude, chill! What’s wrong with a woman that works out? If her biceps is bigger then yours, might be a problem with your skinny spaghettis!

BTW: the arms look the same on both pictures, just that on the one above THEY’RE FLEXED. It’s a physical condition. Might wanna try it sometimes yourself. Funny things happen, when you take care of your body.

I’m 32 and would definetly do her!

14 years ago

Does no one see Freddy Kruger here? Forget the arms… I’m looking at the face.

finish him
finish him
14 years ago

I pity Matthew Broderick, that’s enough to turn him gay. He’s probably at home, weeping softly, ruining his mascara- because “last night she was the man”. Poor bastard, he’s getting banged by Iggy Pop.

13 years ago

women, learn this: you may work out, but please avoid the huge hulk arms if you want to be appealing to us men. it’s quite intimidating, even if we are buff.