Tiki Barber is a good guy

The New York Post says ex-Giants star Tiki Barber left his eight-months-pregnant wife of 11 years Ginny for 23-year-old former NBC intern Traci Lynn Johnson. The irony is, Tiki blasted his father who did the same thing.

Johnson, a model-thin bombshell, was photographed sitting next to Tiki last month at a Washington, D.C., screening of a documentary on Senegal that he hosted for the Travel Channel. Sources believe Johnson also accompanied Tiki to Senegal for the filming
late last year, when Ginny was three months pregnant.

The affair is particularly stunning in light of the athlete’s long-standing disdain for his philandering father.

“I don’t give a (bleep) that the relationship didn’t work,” he said of his parents’ split in a 2004 interview with the Post. “Not only did he abandon her, I felt like he abandoned us for a lot of our lives. I have a hard time forgiving that.

In response, Tiki released a statement saying “After 11 years of marriage, Ginny and I have decided to separate. This decision was a painful one, but we are moving forward amicably and will continue to work together to raise our children with the love and dedication they have always known.”

Nice. That’s the way to do it. Wait until your wife is about to pop and then leave her for a hot 23-year-old. That way she has no way of chasing you with a golf club and bashing you in the face like Elin did to Tiger. I see you have thought this through. Well played, Tiki.

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14 years ago

well, if she didn’t want to have her husband leave her, she should have dieted, been on the pill, and been more forthcoming with oral and anal sex. i mean, duh!

14 years ago
Reply to  roberto

Roberto you are an ass! And a bigger jerk than Tiki!

14 years ago

dude roberto my man, trolling isn’t cool anymore hope this helps u in future endeavours.

14 years ago

Wow, Tiki and Tom Brady should get together.