I don’t know what a Paramore is but Hayley Williams is apparently the lead singer of it and she may have accidentally tweeted a topless photo of herself. Tits, people!
Hayley allegedly took the photo down five minutes later. However, as people have said, “the internet is forever.” They also say, “stop staring into my window,” but that’s neither here nor there.
Friendly neighborhood perv Josh also sent in three screenshots, one of which was NOT of Hayley topless. I think he was providing proof or something. I don’t know. I sort of skimmed past it. It could have been a death threat for all I know. But people seem to be talking.
Real or not, this is pretty awesome for a Thursday night. Especially since Hayley is a redhead. They’re rare. It’s like stumbling across a unicorn in a trench coat and then having it flash you.
“tell me, tell me do you feel the pressure now?”
Yup, Hayley. There’s pressure. ;)
ppsshh..she saying she got hacked.. sure girl..sure..itty bitty tittaaysss
Meu muito gostosa a hayley nessa foto ^^
It’s pathetic that so many people care about this.
she is blonde.
She’s not blonde.. She’s mouse brown.
This is pretty classless. Hayley’s amazing. Don’t bash her out by posting up the picture some more.. I suggest taking it down. Like, NOW.
I sooooo agree
bash her? she took the picture dumb ass …
I agree. I believe her. But it’s nothing compared to what other celebrities have done. I’m sure everyones under pressure. So you should cut her some slack and believe that it was an accident, okay? Goodness sakes people…
yeahh i believe she was hacked. Of course i don’t kow he but i fiercely believe she would not do something like that on purpose.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, because taking a topless pic is classy to begin with. I suggest looking up at *ACTUAL* classy people and gaving taste. Like, NOW.
PS amazing is a hideously overrated word, and she is so far from it it;s laughable.
Wow. You’re a jerk. Wtf has Hayley done to you? Let me think. I’m gonna go with..nothing. Please don’t be a hater. I mean seriously, drinking a bottle of Haterade then getting on your computer is just NOT a good combo, folks. It’s just not. Smh. ????????. ???? people, if you wanna talk ????, just put it in the toilet with the rest of it.
i loled
i’d totally bang hayley williams.!!
She’s not a redhead
Hayley Williams isn’t a real redhead. No fire crotch for you.
actually what happened was she got hacked, or thats what she is saying
Well damn, that doesn’t seem like something she’d do, but that’s certainly awesome.
its edited. LOL :PP
No, it isn’t.
Hayley lost her phone a few days ago. Someone found it, found the picture on it, and posted it to her Twitter (which was still signed in on her phone). She found it a few minutes later and took it down. I’m sure the picture was for Chad. That’s between them and shouldn’t have been put online. Cruel.
hahaaa HACKED. its ok if she was topless i mean im sure it was for her boyfriend. and we all know she’s already sent picture by mistake to the pmore account too. but she shouldnt lie about saying getting hacked.
more lol for kimberly. she didn’t got hacked. she isn’t a real redhead. and she uploaded the picture by mistake
peitinho gostoso **
if she uploaded it by mistake how come it took her five whole minutes to take it down? i think she was hacked
Oh well. S**t happens. Can’t do anything about it now. Whether it was an “accident” or she got “hacked,” move on. And itty bitty tittes are hot ;)
Definitely an eye opener because of the fact that she’s my idol, but I believe she didn’t know what to say. Like, “Oh, well… Let’s just say I got hacked and hope people will believe me.” I still love you Hayles, even if you do make mistakes.
She lost her BlackBerry (Again!) and the person who found the BlackBerry, opened her Twitter and uploaded the picture. -.-‘
(Sorry for my bad english.)
Dude…who cares, have you people never seen tits before?
Thank god someone with a brain goes online! I totally agree.
you care?
and yeah, because “classy” Christian singers… it’s totally normal and expected of them to take such slutty pics. Yeah. Right… totally.
Don’t worry Hayley, think of it as advertisement to potential new male fans.
LOL!!! that made my day..it was kinda mean though
Dame rite about that , im sure potential female friends too :D
“I don’t know what a Paramore is but Hayley Williams is apparently the lead singer of it…”
LOL didn’t you just answer your own stupid question? Uh, Paramore is a band if you’re still too slow or too lazy to look it up.
Fail.It’s called sarcasm.
Its not a stupid question if you actually READ it. Notice how he said he wants to know what “a” Paramore is. He knows its the name of the band, hes wanting to know what the word Paramore MEANS. Your eyes and brain were given to you for a reason, it wouldnt kill you to use them.
hahahahahaha hacked? what a liar. she’s just ashamed she twitpic’d it herself so she made that s**t up.
How the hell would you know? Are you a mind reader?
Hayley lost her phone a few days ago. Someone found it, found the picture on it, and posted it to her Twitter (which was still signed in on her phone). She found it a few minutes later and took it down. I’m sure the picture was for Chad. That’s between them and shouldn’t have been put online. Cruel.
cruel? awwwww
All this about nudes. That is not a nude picture. It is topless…get it right.
It’s TITS. you can see 100x worse on basic cable anyday.
People should stop caring. “oh em gee this is so horrible, so classless, perv!!” Get over it and move along. Newsflash, everybody has private parts; it’s just skin like everywhere else, stop looking into this so much.
To summarize:
“S**t happens. Nice tits, I’m going to focus on something else now, bye.”
Omg, someone sane here. Totally agree.
And showing them like some classless hooker desperate for attention is… classless. Sorry, get over it maybe?
Anyway not nice. I’m glad she isn’t frickin Christina Hendricks sized but not nice. Most guys, the lonely desperate pervs who go out of their way to defend this trashy attention-whore stuff like this (sound familiar?) say any size is, your opinions don’t really count.
Awww.. Really? It was pretty classless of her to post them. Of course people are going to post them after she does. Get over it. Paramore isn’t good anyways. ;D
f**k you.
you need to take this down.. it’s pathetic and old, it obviously didn’t mean to happen and it’s not like nearly everyone takes the odd cheeky picture of themselves but when an icon does it, it gets blown out of fucking proportion your making it worse for her posting this picture and she obviously didn’t want it their when she got hacked!! have a bit of f*king respect ! also she lost her phone and obviously someone sent it whilst her phone was still signed into her twitter account and when retrieving the phone she deleted it .. it’s just… Read more »
Welcome to the internet! The moment you take a topless picture of yourself (if you are a woman of course) it’ll be on the internet for years. There is no “taking it down”. One site can take it down, but the other hundreds that posted it will not.
Also, welcome to Hollywood! Respect is a foreign concept. And trust me, her career isn’t “ruined”. If anything, she got more fans. It’s just boobs. She wasn’t stripping at a club or snorting coke. She’s 21. She can take care of herself.