Apparently getting banned from a United Airlines flight after getting drunk before 7 AM and protesting by shouting “n****r” at everyone in early May was a wake up call for Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He realized that if he didn’t pretend to get help, people would forever think he’s a drunk racist. Which is why he returned to rehab. His first trip to rehab was back in 2007.
I have news for Rhys Meyers. Everyone thought he was a drunk before and they were fine with that. He sort of crossed the line when he started throwing the “N” word at everyone. That’s something you never do. In public.
Lets hope he gets the support he needs.
TUDORS is done
Now we know what he is really like!
No way is this man ever a racist you are way off the mark – he’s hurting for god sake leave him alone No Cailie you don’t know what he’s like – one word allegedly said to no-one in particular means jack – Jonny has had many demons he has tried to deal with over the years I’m sure we should allow him time to contend with that – he’s hurt no-one but himself especially by people that no very little about him but judge him on one drunken word – tittle tattle and the rejoicing of celebs going into… Read more »
Why is it that no one has mentioned the whole “N” Word thing.. Should we give him a pass because he’s hot?? Well not me. I was probablly his biggest fan but No more. You can all have the little drunken racist.
no-one’s giving him a pass because he “hot” don’t be so daft – no-one even knows that he said it that’s the point people are making judgements on a “word” that might or might not have been said – and even if he did I can tell you no one will be as mortified as Jonny – I’m not condoning the word just the intentions it’s all heresay and apparently even if it was said it wasn’t said to anyone in particular – as far as I know saying offensive words into thin air when trolleyed isn’t yet a criminal… Read more »
this ENTIRE story was generated by some little one zit tattletale site that “solicits” tips from nobodies who have brushes with celebs.The more lurid the tale the more likely the telling. So the first day he was…banned…the next day he was BANNED FOR LIFE later it was ADDED that he had flung the N-Word and the story THEN went VIRAL from one blip of puss on a gossip site. Jonny does have his demons and he is addressing them in rehab…again…but other than ONE gossip site claiming that a nameless source at United Airlines confirmed the ban, there is NO… Read more »