In 2009, John Travolta’s son, Jett, died. More recently, Travolta’s two dogs were killed at the Bangor International Airport when someone who wasn’t a member of his family walked them. While they were minding their own business, an airport service vehicle hit and killed them.
But, hey, at least there’s good news. Star Magazine says Travolta and Kelly Preston are three months pregnant with a “miracle baby.” “It’s impossible to keep a secret … especially one as wonderful as this,” the Travoltas wrote on their web site. “We are expecting a new addition to our family.”
Gosh, you think you know someone then bam! They put their penis into a woman casting doubt on their assumed homosexuality. The world just got a little more confusing.
Oh to be a pregnant beard..
Xenu must have put out the word to the A-List Scientologists like Tom, Will and Jada Smith, Travolta etc. to help counteract the never ending negative reports from ex-high level members in the last few months. They must have also heard about the increasing internet reports of covert man on man (or man on VERY young attractive man) activity with those like Tom and Travolta. Poor John. They really must have him by the short and curlies. CHILLS!
He could be bi, no?
Um. IVF. JT didn’t have to get his penis anywhere near Kelly’s uterus.
Doesn’t anyone want to entertain the idea that this is an egg donor baby? Chances are Kelly did not conceive naturally at her age. The research on women her age conceiving naturally is not in her favor!