Lady Gaga wears extravagant and often times straight up ridiculous outfits. She does this for attention but god forbid someone should actually give her some because she’ll flip out.
Which is what happened at Asia de Cuba over the weekend where Gaga was eating with about 20 people at the Morgans Hotel restaurant. She wore a see-through gown with a nude veil. She looked like a big weirdo. Of course someone would want a picture of that. It’s not every day you get to see an A-list retard dress herself.
A fellow diner at a distant table slyly took her picture. “Gaga became noticeably upset, pushed her security team out of the way to confront the shutterbug and demanded he delete the photo,” said a witness. The snapper obliged and Gaga cooled off and returned to dinner.
You don’t wear a see-through gown with a nude veil to be incognito. No. You wear a see-through gown with a nude veil so people can stare at you while they put their hands to their mouths and gasp and comment on how you’re a unique snowflake. Just like Jamie Foxx didn’t take that nude pic of himself out of modesty. He did it so Conan O’Brien would ask him about it and he could confirm to Conan and the world that he has a big penis. I mean, when Jamie Foxx slams his junk on the table during some chick’s birthday party, he doesn’t ask everyone, “What the hell are you looking at?,” does he?
Let me guess, whoever wrote this blog, you’re most likely and unattractive 350 pound middle aged hag who lives alone and cries in the middle of the night because no one will ever love you, so you trash the good name of Lady Gaga and make claims that she does everything for attention, and how DARE you call this beautiful woman a retard, have you seen her interviews, she has by far one of the most superior intellects in show business. So sincerely, f**k you :)
You got the crying in the middle of the night part right.
Says the one taking things too seriously. If you don’t like celebrity news, and opinions whether it be serious or not. Stop looking at it. Plain and simple.
I thought her whole quest was to get attention.
I she wants people to stop staring at her outfits, then the answer is to wear something else. She must obviously want the attention if she keeps wearing them. So, she should stop complaining about it.
She’s such attention whore.
eatcha her caracha
You don’t photograph customers at Morgan’s hotel unless you want to be considered unwelcomed.
Sir Gag is an attention seeking whore. Who wears a bikini to a baseball game. Add on top of that, she’s a celebrity, of course, the game photographers are going to focus on you, dummy. Duh. I’ll be glad when her 15 minutes are up, which I’m thinking will be in the next 3 years.
Btw, Sir Gag is one ugly woman that should cover up as much as possible.