Part-time prostitute Vicotira Silvstedt is in St. Tropez lounging around on the beach and being generally very ladylike as you can tell by the photo above. This is probably how she attracts men. It’s her own little honey pot. Similar to when I want to show off my guns. Oh, no. Don’t mind me ladies. I’m just pretending to lift this VERY heavy box. Bam!
It’s like a cash register down there, perhaps she’s waiting for people to walk by and put a quarter or euro in the slot? Who knows. I think it’s safe to say she’s a full time prostitute as she no longer models or pretends to be anything other than what she is. Her busy time of year starts at the Cannes Film Festival and lasts all summer in St.Tropez. Then it’s off to service Arabs in Dubai! I wonder if other VS models went this route, but more quietly.
Familiar postures for her, when you spend all day in those positions, they come natural