Eric Roberts needs that money

Eric Roberts checked into Celebrity Rehab last week. He most likely needs the money because the addiction he’s being treated for, a dependency on medical marijuana, sounds lame. He’s an actor who reads words off a piece of paper. A little medical weed isn’t going to greatly affect his performance save for more snack breaks in between takes.

He tweeted about his stint, “Tweating By Remote to answer y I’m doing CELEBRITY REHAB . It’s not 2 get people 2 stop asking y I’m doing Y&R as some have proposed. LOL,” and added, “I’d like to move out of the weed garden & into a place where things can blossom & grow. The people @ #CelebRehab have been fantastic 1 & all.”

Roberts will be rooming with Jeremy London. That guy who probably made up the whole story about him being kidnapped and forced to do drugs. That’s like Lindsay Lohan bunking with a violent offender at Lynwood. By the end of the show, Eric is going to have a new found appreciation for meth.

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