If you haven’t figured out by now that the most important people in Hollywood are make-up and Photoshop artists, then these photos of Jennifer Aniston may shock you. These are un-retouched outtakes (Images via ONTD) from Aniston’s Harper’s Bazaar shoot. As you can see, she’s a natural beauty.
Haha, just kidding guys. She looks confused, unsure and chimp-like. It’s as if Aniston was really worried she wasn’t going to get the banana they were waving in front of her face.
Update: Photos removed. Put up Diora Baird instead.
i don’t get the hate i thinks she pretty, and has a sparkle.. i think you are just jealous…
There is nothing to be jealous of. She is 41 & single, goes home alone every night to her dogs, her next movie will bomb. She may have $$$$, but always seems angry & unhappy in interviews.
Aniston is average looking, but people think she is attractive b/c of good grooming. Her skin resembles leather in HQ photos, her chin rivals Jay Leno’s, strange face shape & nose, etc.
Can’t see the images dammit! ANyway, Jen is beautiful and seems like a real chill down to earth personality. Gorgeous eyes and she’s Greek.
It is rumored throughout lalaland she fucking stinks. Her pits, her pussy, all the stinky parts.