Following the trend of her last few movies, Jennifer Aniston’s latest film, The Switch, bombed at the box office. Suffice to say, she’s getting desperate. Which is why she’s doing full frontal in the Judd Apatow-produced comedy, Wanderlust. Oh, and she smokes pot. What a rebel!
What does that entail? Prepare yourself: you’ve definitely never seen Jennifer Aniston like THIS before. For starters, the 41-year-old actress goes full frontal! Yup, that’s right – while protesting a new Wal-mart, Jen rips off her shirt and goes topless to stop a slew of bulldozers! Secondly, she takes the term ‘free love’ VERY literally. Not only does she sleep with every other guy on the commune, but she has a threesome with two WOMEN, one of whom happens to be pregnant! Not only that, but she also smokes weed on the regular AND – like her character Kassie Larson in the The Switch – has a baby, but there’s a twist. She may or may not know who the daddy is by movie’s end… (Hollywood Life)
That must suck for the crew because of the 10 hour prep time to get her saggy, wrinkly body camera ready. Two hours for hair and makeup and eight hours to wake the director up because Aniston is so god damn boring that not even filming her naked could keep the director from falling asleep.
I’d like her to do some full frontal nudity on me.
I think her body still rocks. As long as she kept that yapper of hers closed, we’re all good.
So.. the censor bar should go above her face?
Cant wait to finally see Jen nude!
Jen should do some PORN…
With big black stud.
Jesus dude you are fucking dumb.
You’re either gay or blind. I guess possibly both. Id take Jennifer Aniston over Angelina Jolie any day of the week.