Everyone knows Jennifer Lopez is notoriously difficult to work with because her demands are insanely ridiculous. It’s pretty much why negotiations between her and American Idol fell through. But hopefully this new report about what it takes to be Lopez’s assistant will change people’s perception of her.
“The person has to be graceful under pressure, have a thick skin, and be resourceful in foreign countries, among others things,” an insider tells the Scene Queens. “You’ll be expected to travel at a moment’s notice and must know how to adjust in each city.”
As expected, working for a celebrity like J. Lo isn’t a 9-5 job. “The job is 6 days a week, at least 12 hour days with one day off, but you may not get off for weeks,” says the insider. “You’ll be on call 24/7 and you’ve got to be organized and always on point.”
And while hanging out with A-Listers may be glamorous – the insider notes the candidate must be comfortable around “very high profile people” – there are more mundane duties as well. “You have to change diapers, work on little sleep and cook if the butler is away,” the insider continues. But don’t worry, there will be some glamorous moments too; our source says qualified candidates get to help J. Lo dress for red carpet events and photo shoots. The salary for this gig? $55,000 to $65,000. Tickets to the Oscars may or may not be included!
Or not. Breaking it down, you have to work 72 hours a week changing diapers, being insulted, getting no sleep and cooking. Oh, but while it sounds boring and tedious, it’s really not because sometimes you’ll get to stuff Jennifer’s fat ass into a dress for red carpet events and photo shoots! And you’ll be paid $55,000 to $65,000 a year for it. I know what you’re thinking right now. “For that kind of change, do I get to wipe Lopez’s ass too?” The answer is, probably, if you’re really good.
Not ever would I subject myself to such degrading work!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to the block jenny!
diva diva diva she is diva i love you jlo
…if Selena had never been killed she’d be in “where are they now” feature at the 20th anniversary reunion of In Living Color
J. Lo can go straight to hell with that. All of that for a measley $55-%65Gs?? Sorry but it ain’t worth it.
I am a personal assistant to a CEO of a global company for $118K, and I do not have to change diapers and be on call 24/7, let alone, I get almost every weekend off and get vacation time too…Jenny wants a slave.
55, to 65,000 for 24/7 work? The bish wants an illegal who doesn’t speak English. when you break down the hourly rate that is way below the minimum wage in the US. For the job that she is requiring the salary needs to be at least 350,00 at least. Oh well, she will get what she pays for.
I make LOTS more than that working for attorneys 35 hours with weekends off – and no diapers….would Jenny seriously have worked for chump change for 72 hours and 7 days a week…even when she was a “Fly Girl” on The Block? DOUBTFUL!!!!
And what job security would someone have working for her?? I’m guessing none. What a complete joke, JLO you simply aren’t that interesting or talented enough to expect anyone to want to work for such crap $ and conditions. Are you misguided enough to think people will want to jump at this “opportunity”? I make very close to that in my job as an office administrator and I get tons of perks, weekends off, benefits, etc. And no divas or diapers!
That’s about $17/hr. F**k you JLo, a job like that should pay at least $300,000, not like bitch doesn’t have the money,
I love how my web browser tab for this article says” “Jennifer Lopez needs a new ass…” :)
Where do I apply??
i be happy 2 work for j-lo as her new personal assistant i don,t care about the money im very obident
Ill work for her!!!!!
I love kids got two of my own my daughter only 1 and my son is 4.
If this story is true, she’s completely unreasonable as an employer and no better than foreign countries that pay people $.03 an hour. Change diapers? Woman, you made the decision to bring those kids into this world, you change their poopy diapers and manage your own family!
What a nasty person. She obviously doesn`t care about being humaine. It`s all about her fat a++ LOL
Lol baby you make me laugh, I’d take the job anyday, if it means hanging with jlo all day lol thatll be fun :)
If I lived anwere near I would do it for Much less money and if I could afford to do it for nothing I would.