Joey Lawrence was stabbed in the eye

Joey Lawrence went on Twitter yesterday to explain why he’s been absent from the set of Melissa & Joey. It’s because he got a paper cut. On his eye.

Someone holding a script went to hug his co-star Melissa Joan Heart, misjudged the distance and sliced Joey’s eye during rehearsal. Aww, someone call the wahmbulance. Wait, someone did. He went to the doctor who told him he “ripped his cornea.”

Hey my tweet peeps. Sorry for being AWOL. I got hit in the eye yesterday mrng by accident in the set and it ripped my cornea. Trying to heal
about 23 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

So I can do the show tmrw and be ok! Love you all and I’ll be in touch very soon xoxo.
about 23 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

If I was Joey Lawrence, I’d tell people I was trying to protect a girl from muggers when one of them came at me with a knife and sliced my eye open. It would be way better than what really happened and it would hopefully erase from memory that time a homeless guy asked me for change and I ran away shrieking because I thought I was being robbed.

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