Update: Looks like we’ve been trolled with a fake quote. *Golf clap* But this raises an interesting question. Why did everyone believe it so readily? Answer: Because Kevin Jonas seems really G-A-Y.
Kevin Jonas made a promise to remain celibate until he was married. He even wore a purity ring to show his commitment. In December, he married Danielle Deleasa thus putting an end to his self-imposed virginity. You’d think he and Danielle would be boning every day since then but no.
First there were reports that Kevin and Danielle don’t even sleep in the same bed. Now there’s this quote from Kevin in Bliss Magazine UK (via Oceanup) which reads, “Sex was not worth the wait. After we did it, I was kind of like, that’s it?” What a total queer.
Yes. Dudes. Seriously.
The quote actually came from here:
This is probably cuz he’s never had an orgasm/gotten off. Guys can c-u-m but this doesn’t mean they had the big O. He’s still a rookie and sex the first couple of times kinda sucks (no pun intended). Then it gets better and better. He’s still in that rookie stage where they don’t really know how exactly to push each others buttons to get off/release/the big O. I’m sure in 5 years he won’t feel so lackluster about sex.
He’s got teh ghey
divorce court here they come! Dont even sleep in same bed. Gimme a break!
Maybe the quote is fake, but c’mon, It’s something he would say.
Uh, last time I checked, gay people enjoy sex. So, it’s kind of stupid of you to label him gay.
yes, they do, but not with the opposite sex. If my first time was with a man (which im not attracted to) I would probably say it was lame too.
It’s not the not liking it that makes him gay. It’s the not liking vagina part.
Yes your right, however sex with a woman is something they dont enjoy that much :) He will figure out how good sex is when they learn how to do it the right way. I thought he was too young to get married and they will eventually get divorced i know it…But he probably got married early to get laid. I want to marry if at all, at around my mid 30’s or 40’s…And im not waiting on the sex.
Please, if I had sex with Danielle, I’d hate it too. Ugh!! He’s inexperienced & with a girl who’s obviously inexperienced, so of course sex will be lame. Kevin needs a woman who knows what she’s doing to teach him what fantastic sex (and love) is all about. This is a perfect example of why getting married that young is completely stupid. Not to mention how it sets up a precedent of how they view marriage, intimacy and the opposite sex for the rest of their lives. Therapy, here they come. Hopefully he’ll get out of it before she gets… Read more »
Wow his wife must feel so sexy from that comment lol. what an idiot. You can’t get any gayer…Maybe he should get with a dude so he can see fireworks..