Um, I’ll just be vomiting in the corner while you read this. On the newest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe Kardashian gets laser hair removal for the first time after a little convincing from Kim. I guess it was a two for one type thing because they were both in the same room which led to Kim commenting on Khloe’s vagina.
“You have a better, like, looking vagina than I thought,” Kim said while watching the procedure.
“What? What did you think my vagina was going to look like?” Khloe asked.
“I don’t know, I never looked at your vagina,” Kim said. “I thought it was, like, a shaved rashy vagina.”
“I have a nice ass, too,” Khloe said.
To be fair, that’s what I imagined Khloe’s vagina to look like too. Except, add toothy to that list of adjectives. Thankfully, Kim ended up not verifying Khloe’s claims about her ass as I imagine it was hard enough to keep from yaking without having to look at Khloe’s gnarly butthole.
There is a movie called “Teeth” which involves a vagina that bites off men’s penis’s and causes them to bleed to death.
There are a couple of words that name both the vulva and vagina, pussy and cunt.
Wow. It’s a gossip article people. Chill the fack out.
Hey Bigfoot (aka Khloe) no you do NOT have a nice ass, unless of course you really are a gorilla.
I guess the fact that she even HAS A VAGINA just goes to show the miracle of modern medicine!!
You have gone way to far with your obscession with this family of wanna be woman. There are a million stories out there an you insist on a daily dose of these woman. Enough of the butt ugly people.
I’m sick of people talking about VAGINAS. Yes, girls, we do have them. No class in this world at all anymore!!!
Okay, Okay, I’m sick of women talking about their VAGINAS!! Enough already, girls. Yes, we have them. Everybody knows it. What in the world happened to classy women in the world? Oh, for the days of Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. Sleazy is in for the young crowd….and boy, is it getting old
I agree these people are disgusting. Get them off tv already, enough of this garbage!
I totally agree, no wonder the young kids are confused about what is right and wrong. I don’t know what happened to the world, but I could use a dose of the “olden days” when people didn’t talk about or show everything.
Toothy? LOL how can a vagina be toothy??
There’s a movie about a vagina that has teeth……yeah disturbing….
There is a movie called “Teeth” which involves a vagina that bites off men’s penis’s and causes them to bleed to death.
just the thought of an overused rashy kardashy vagina is repiulsive who ewould want to dine t that rrestaurant anyway can you just imagine wh and wehat has been in that rashy pink taco? yuck
Some people need an anatomy lesson. The vagina is inside. The external “lady parts” are called vulva. I as well am sick of hearing about celebrity’s vaginas and va-jay-jays.
But “vulva” sounds so vulgar. And vagina is analagous to penis as far as sex organs go. That’s what I’m teaching my kids to call it…We need a new word like “vulgina” to cover all the bases.
I think Lisa brings a good point.Girls should be proud to have vagina and nice to talk about it…
its more like karTRASHY
If we all spent the time and money these hairy, big nose Armenians with their fat asses did, we could all be good looking. Just look at there younger photos, including Rob, They look just like their Dad. They are to not to pretty. Wish them all the bad luck in the world. They are sickening. Kris is the worst. Would love to see them deflate. Are they going to have Mason’s face done over. He is the epitomy of their family.
Humping she-dogs. As low grade as it gets.
All these Kardashians are low class gross useless trash. They act as if nobody else in the world has a vagina . It’s not “shocking” or “cool” idiots, you all sound like a bunch of morons. Get a life
Lamont must like that hanging lipp stinkhole! And Kim must stare in the mirror for hours to get that irritating Cleopatra zombie look! Don’t let me leave out Kourtney with THE MOST obnoxious voice right up there with Oprah the rude talk show ho. I mean host. Hopefully the young Jenner girls don’t pick up any of these traits, but then again thier momma is super annoyance Kris. (Note to Kardashian bimz: Go get some talent and try again)
I understand it’s all gossiping, But let them be and that’s all there gonna do, why care what they do/, when you have your life to live and i totally agree with you, but it’s a waste of time to gossip about them
To bad she looks like a dude.
After reading this I am thinking “how low can it get” is nothing kept personal. The people who let this stuff get on television are way out of hand. Wonder why our kids and adults have no respect for anything anymore, why people are rude and crude????? Ding Ding Ding “what is television in 2010” – Alex… I don’t want the rice aroni or the encyclopedia, I think that all television, can be good television, however certain rules should always be followed and some things should not be allowed to air. If we want that sort of subject matter then… Read more »
The young crowd has rejected your hypocritical mores and standards because the world it produced during your time is no better than it was at any other time. Your parents thought society was falling down in the 60’s too- and what happened? You became parents and you raised gen X, who in turn have become parents. And the whole lot of you seem to have forgotten what it was like to be young, painting these sterile portraits of a pure mickey mouse club world that never existed. Society is not falling down and the end of the world is not… Read more »
I’m afraid you are right. I fear for this country. Money is controlling everything.
And there is no one in sight who might really CHANGE things back to the good old days, Thank you,
bunch of haters – ur the idiots ranting over this article and are probably the majority of the millions of viewers watching the show, clicking on all their articles, and posting neg sh^t on the blogs! HATERS!
Anonymous must be black…haha!
Agree w/anonymous: what is with the hate people? The show has an entertainment value& if you do not like do not watch it – simple concept. Remember it is a reality show – not the Discovery channel. Yes Kris is out there & the girls swear but that is funny – the controlling mother. The older girls are pretty as the young Jenner’s are as well; while Kim is a sharp business woman – I give her credit for using her assets to build a career – everybody does it only she has been very sucessful at it. For those… Read more »
All those Kardashian sluts are tiresome…isn’t their 15 mins up yet??? And what’s up with Kim and Khloe only dating blacks?? Can’t they get anyone else? Kourtney’s voice couldn’t be anymore monotone if she tried. And her disgusting boyfriend Scott….geez…..where do I begin? With his bright green pants or his rat teeth??
nope not black but married to one! living better than ur racist ass – you prob ugly for HATING ON ALL GOOD LOOKING FEMALES (OR HATING FOR US INDEPENDANT WOMEN WHO KNWO HOW TO MAKE DOUGH ON THEIR OWN)!!!! POWER to women who handle their business!
I met Kris Jenner at a Ronald McDonald House event over a Christmas holiday (for terminally ill children and their families) and you know what she said when someone offered her a plate of food????? I DON’T EAT OFF PAPER PLATES! She was a giant bitch! Bruce, on the other hand, was extremely nice and apologized for her behavior. She has zero class!
there was no seriousness in kim’s comment, i actually thought it was funny. kuwtk is a good show and i love the kardashians. they are beautiful women. i guess all the negative comment makers are just jealous that they can’t/don’t look as hot as they do. if you don’t like them, then don’t read articles about them or comment about them.
Girls who comment about “class” are fat or old ugly chicks or both. Guys who do are gay. You say you wouldnt have sex with her? No she just wont have sex with you.
I don’t get the big interest with these chicks…Kim is alright looking and has freakishly large @$$ but after watching her on Dancing with the Stars I was completly amazed by the way she moves on the dance floor *ugh*…we all know what that means…LOL!
Apparently, there are several people (Kim and Khloe Kardashian PLUS the writer of this article) who are confused about exactly what and where the vagina is. The vagina isn’t hairy — it’s the place where you put a tampon. The part that is shaved or waxed is in front of the vagina (or around it, if you’re an aggressive waxer/shaver). That level of ignorance was the real shocker of this article.