In least surprising news of the day, Morpheus Laurence Fishburne isn’t too happy his daughter Montana will be making her porn debut soon (very NSFW screen caps here). If I was Laurence, I’d buy a grave just so I could roll in it.
Montana tells TMZ, “[My dad] is very upset. I heard that he’s mad at me but I haven’t spoken to him yet. I feel pretty confident that I can work things out with him.” Though Montana seems a little delusional as she adds, “I think he wants to support me in everything I do, and though he sees this now as a negative, I believe in time he will view it as a positive.”
When parents tell you they support you in anything you do, they mean more if you want to be a pro athlete or play saxophone. Something they won’t be embarrassed to tell their friends about. Being videotaped having sex in a car, a hotel room and at the mall with some guy named J-Pipes in a fancy porno may not be what they had in mind. There’s no way to sugarcoat that video of your daughter being pounded by some dude from behind like you could if she had another job. With this it’d just be, “Uh, my daughter… (begins sobbing uncontrollably).”