Lindsay Lohan is not an addict

Doctors at UCLA have determined Lindsay Lohan is not an addict nor does she suffer from bipolar disorder like some have claimed. Cue dropping jaw. Whaaaa?

Allegedly, the doctors at UCLA feel Judge Marsha Revel was being too harsh when she sent Lindsay to 90 days rehab and think 30 days with outpatient care is enough. They note that Lindsay was “weaned off” her Dilaudid, Ambien, Adderall, Zoloft, Trazodone and Nexium with no adverse reaction. She also did not suffer from alcohol withdrawal.

UCLA adds that Lindsay was misdiagnosed with ADHD which is shocking because when has that ever happened. A fancy L.A. addiction specialist says because of that and the Adderall prescription she was given, Lindsay experienced similar effects as people who use cocaine or meth.

Dr. Haraszti tells us … people who unnecessarily take Adderall can display manic symptoms … and often do things like “driving around until all hours of the morning … smoking heavily … tweeting … and texting all night long.” The doc adds, “They can become very impulsive.”

The doc also notes that people in that situation “might then complain of insomnia and then take Ambien or other sleep aids to help fall asleep … it’s a vicious cycle”

Dr. Marc Kern — another addiction expert — tells us alcohol abuse is also very common among patients who take Adderall.

Dr. Kern tells us, “The Adderall counteracts the sedative side effects of alcohol use … making these people often drink more than someone who does not take the drug.”

Amazing how everything can be explained away by the misdiagnosis. This couldn’t have turned out better if the excuse fairy hand delivered this packaged defense to Dina Lohan and tied a neat little bow around it. In a few days everyone will probably forget how Lindsay had cocaine on her when she hijacked a SUV. Was that because of Adderall too?

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14 years ago

The Doctor’s say that she was misdiagnosed. You the FLIP are you to say that this isn’t true? Don’t try to say you weren’t either. Like all other flippant writters (and I use that TERM LOOSELY – Like you!!) you just want to try to cause some sort of controversy because you like feeding off the famous. Get a flipping life and let Lindsay live her life. No one followed you around when you were her age and made your life a living hell; albeit that was over 60 years ago I am sure you dinosaur.

14 years ago

You have to trace the original Rx for the Adderal – and I’m sure it was Dina’s idea in the first place. Keep the kid working and bringing in the coin.

Wonder when Ali’s going to be (mis)diagnosed???