Snooki has a big ego

The only thing worse than looking like Snooki is looking like Snooki and having a gigantic Snooki head wobbling back and forth on your fat, Snooki neck. In Touch Weekly reports,

Later that night [Aug. 8], Snooki stumbled into the Aztec Bar. “She drank beers and downed shots,” an onlooker tells In Touch. “She looked horrible.” While fans are concerned about her incessant partying, they are also concerned about her giant ego — she appears to be letting fame get to her well-coiffed head. Snooki, who once called herself a “normal” girl, seems to be forgetting her humble roots as a suburban New York cheerleader. On August 7, she brushed off fans at Club Karma, made famous on the first season of Jersey Shore. “She just ignored them and rolled her eyes,” a witness tells In Touch. “She had a major attitude.” She was once the pride of Seaside Heights, but locals are now growing tired of Snooki’s obnoxious antics. As she walked into the Aztec during a “Sunday Funday,” she hardly received a warm welcome. “Don’t let her in! Arrest her!” an onlooker says hecklers snarled at the beer-guzzling brunette.

This chick is a celebrity for doing absolutely nothing besides getting wasted on a reality show every week. She looks like a tubby pygmy. The only reason people like her is because she’s “just like us!” Except smaller and rounder. She needs to keep her ego in check or one day the big kids are going to hold her booster seat for the bar above their head and laugh at her while she jumps up and down in a vain attempt to reach it.

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13 years ago

She is a no talent, ugly girl with a bad personality but other than that she is okay!