That collective sigh of relief you just heard was everyone finding out that Sandra Bullock did not meet up with Jesse James at West Coast Choppers like Radar claimed.
The brunette in the photo is actually the head of Pay Up Sucker Productions which is affiliated with Jesse’s business. PEOPLE confirms.
Photographer Karl Larsen who took the shots was convinced it was Sandra Bullock, telling Radar, “There was no doubt in my mind it was Sadnra, Chandler and Jesse.” This in spite of the fact he spent the entire afternoon spying on the two. Maybe he doesn’t know who Sandra Bullock is or maybe the dollar signs in his eyes clouded his vision.
In any case, it’s a good idea Sandra is staying away from Jesse even though he’s trying to win her back. He might be all, “let’s paint that black baby white.” Because he could be a racist, you see.