Here’s Jessica Simpson promoting her new line at Macy’s with her unemployed boyfriend on Wednesday. Man, what happened. I used to want to bang Jessica Simpson. Now I want to point a gun at her head and tell her to “put the cookie down!”
If she’s willing to get naked with the extra weight, I’ll bet she’s lost ALL of her inhibitions and would be like a rodeo-f**k. Woo hoo!!! PS cute little poochie belly on her.
14 years ago
Is it me or does she look pregnant?
14 years ago
ndut bgt lu mpok…hahahahahaha
anda mau tahu berbagai macam games2 hot dan keren?ringtone2 yg slalu update?murah meriah lagi…gampang bgt kok klo mank kmu mo dapetin itu semua..kamu tinggal ketik REG MAIN kirim ke 9789(khusus Telkomsel)..skrng bwt lg kamu cape2 harus download di counter2 hp..klo disini uda complete….blm ada ada bonusnya,cool bgt dech..
If she’s willing to get naked with the extra weight, I’ll bet she’s lost ALL of her inhibitions and would be like a rodeo-f**k. Woo hoo!!! PS cute little poochie belly on her.
Is it me or does she look pregnant?
ndut bgt lu mpok…hahahahahaha
anda mau tahu berbagai macam games2 hot dan keren?ringtone2 yg slalu update?murah meriah lagi…gampang bgt kok klo mank kmu mo dapetin itu semua..kamu tinggal ketik REG MAIN kirim ke 9789(khusus Telkomsel)..skrng bwt lg kamu cape2 harus download di counter2 hp..klo disini uda complete….blm ada ada bonusnya,cool bgt dech..