As you all may have heard, Lindsay Lohan was sentenced today and I’ll give credit where credit is due because Judge Elden Fox denied bail for Lindsay. That means she’s in jail until Oct. 22. Lindsay was shocked when she heard the announcement because early reports said Judge Fox had no legal right to deny bail.
Lindsay will now be housed in “administrative segregation” because of her celebrity status. Not only that, the sheriff cannot let her out unless there is another order issued by the judge. The fact is this is not a jail sentence. She’s being held by court order.
TMZ says Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, held a secret meeting with the judge to try to spring Lindsay out. Holley is presumed to be asking for bail arguing that it’s Lindsay’s legal right.
PEOPLE reports, “Whitmore adds that Lohan is ‘very cooperative, very demure, very quiet. Once again she’s doing everything that is asked of her. Last time she did very well and so far, so good this time.””
Haha, you suck, Lindsay. LA finally does something right. Good job, LA. You’ve sent a pretty clear message to celebrities everywhere. They may not go to jail the first time they’re caught with cocaine and charged with a DUI, they may not go to jail the second time they’re caught with cocaine, they may not go to jail the first time they violate probation, they may not go to jail the second time they violate probation, but believe you me, the third time they violate probation in the span of 4 months, they’ll do time. You better watch out celebs. Justice will be served. Eventually.
One word, AWESOME!
Ah.. How this makes me smile.
She got released on bail on appeal.