Now that she’s on probation and is watched more closely than ever, Lindsay Lohan needs to stay sober and out of trouble. What’s the best way of doing that? Why, by getting pregnant and having a baby obviously. From In Touch:
Despite her recent legal issues — and recent reports that while driving she allegedly clipped a stroller with a toddler in it — Lindsay Lohan wants to be a mom! The star has confided to a pal that she’s determined to stay sober and thinks the best way for her to achieve that goal is to get pregnant. According to the pal, Lindsay, 24, hates being alone and thinks a baby would make the perfect companion. She’s seen what motherhood has done for former party girl Nicole Richie and thinks it can do the same for her. “She needs to be around someone nearly 24 hours a day,” the pal says. “She thinks having a baby could straighten out her life.”
Best. Idea. Ever. Right up there with juggling live chainsaws and hand feeding Jessica Simpson blueberry pie. One problem is how to get around that law barring her from ever taking care of a kid. There is a law like that, right? Oh god, please tell me there’s a law like that.
In related news, Lindsay is in talks to appear on Oprah, whose final season begins September 13. The deal hasn’t been finalized yet, but everything looks real good. A source says, “Several entities are being considered, and no decision has been made and won’t be for awhile.” Much like you, I can’t wait to watch Lindsay fake being sorry again.
Get a dog, you dumb slore. And the fact that she wants a baby is not an exclamation point-worthy sentence. InTouch is about as dumb as Lindsey is.
that crazy waste of good O2 shouldnt be responsible for a goldfish never mind a mammal of any species.
how ironic is that. i want to knock lindsay lohand up. we’ve go so much in common! seriously, i wanna give lindsay a cunt load of sperm.
ok she’s a cancer and cancers are amazin at raising children they may have messed up lives but children of cancerian parents will always admit that they perants will always be there and are the best she is a cancer july 3rd and i’m the 5th my son is the most amazin person i have in my life i need noone else i say she should have a kid and but a house somewhere in trinidad and just go into her joy of raising a child hi my name is [email protected] if you have a problem with what i just… Read more »