Lindsay Lohan was in Chelsea Handler’s VMA skit

Lindsay Lohan showed up in a taped Chelsea Hanlder skit at the VMAs. Her first public appearance since she got out of jail/rehab. The gist of the skit was Lindsay made self-referencing jokes to Handler and slapped her ass. One of them was, “Really, then why is your ankle bracelet going off?” Handler answered, “Oh that just means that my table’s ready at the Cheesecake Factory.”

The skit kind of sucked and wasn’t too funny but what was funny is the fact that everyone thinks Lindsay is a screw-up. The only way MTV let Lindsay be at the VMAs was if she taped the skit instead of doing one live. From Popeater,

“Lindsay knows she has a ways to go before she gains back the trust of everyone,” a friend of the troubled actress tells me. “But she’s just grateful to be getting these offers again.”

I know it’s hard to fathom, but there was actually a time when Lindsay was being offered presenting gig after presenting gig for A-List awards shows. Been a while, right?

“Now she’s just grateful to be asked back even if she has to tape her performance,” my source reveals.

I wouldn’t even trust Lindsay with a pet rock. If I were the producers at MTV, I’d have attached strings to her hands and feet and mouth like a marionette to make sure she did everything right.

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