These are reportedly un-retouched images of Madonna’s 2010 Dolce & Gabbana photoshoot. The finals which are mixed in with the originals in the set below show Madonna’s nose changed, the veins in her arms airbrushed out and her jaw redone. She looks like a completely different person. They could have shot Seth Rogen and photoshopped him into Madonna and it would have been a less dramatic difference than this. Those sinewy arms and bulging biceps. It’s like I’m looking at a 100-year-old oak tree on steroids.
F**k. If I look like that (pre-photoshop) when I’m 50-something, I will be happy as hell.
She does look veiny in the hands, which some Restylane or fat transfer would take care of. Otherwise I think she looks great!
Madonna looks exquisite. Who is her surgeon? A+++
She looks incredible (pre photo shop). I like it when these things leak. Why is it Steven Tyler can smooth out the smile in front of the entire world and no one says a word, yet here is a lady (amongst others, ahem) who looks amazing over 50, and the whole worlds says WHAT about her? Get a life, you’re all jealous…