Jeeves needs corporate sponsors for his 30th birthday bash! He’s already sent out e-mails looking for people to pay $25,000 for three tweets from next month’s party. Nick Cannon wrote, “This is an extremely exciting opportunity to sponsor a fun and lavish event . . . opportunities range from gift bags and signage to tweets and photo ops.” Confirmed guests include Jay-Z, Beyonce, Will and Jada Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Kobe Bryant, Quincy Jones, L.A. Reid and Jamie Foxx.
A one-sheet flier for the “Nick Cannon Birthday celebration hosted by Mariah Carey” offers sponsors the chance to pay $2,500 to be in the gift bag, while a $15,000 donation includes “one tweet” and “mention in all p.r. materials.”
For $25,000 you can be a “host sponsor” which includes “three tweets,” a “right to service out photos” and a “logo on all collateral,” which we hope doesn’t refer to the “confirmed” celebrity guests.
And those prices only refer to a single city, with special “packages” that can be created for both New York and LA.
God I hate this gold digging whore. I hope no one shows up for the party and it’s just him in a silly hat sitting in front of a 50 foot long cake with a bunch of empty chairs surrounding him. He can put the candles out with his tears.
That is pretty sad that you needs sponsors to help host is b’day. Pathetic is more like it. Why would anyone be interested in being his sponsor. I wouldn’t. What a loser.
That is pretty sad that he needs sponsors for his b’day. Actually, pathetic is more like it. Why would anyone be interested in being his sponsor? I wouldn’t. What a loser.