Olivia Munn is in GQ celebrating her new Daily Show correspondent position. She was also in GQ just in case you forgot she was pretty AND nerdy. Tee hee.
So how did she win over America’s boyfriend? In part, with a Holocaust quip. “When we met, Jon mentioned being Jewish, and I asked, ‘The Holocaust—did it really happen?’ ” she recalls. “I mean, clearly it happened, but that’s my sense of humor, and it showed I could joke in that Daily Show way.” Now that she’s moved on to political satire, does this mean the chocolate-pudding jumps are over? Munn concedes: “If someone got all the chocolate pudding in L.A., I might still dip a toe in.”
OMG! A pretty, funny girl who’s also into Star Wars and video games? What a contradiction! At least that’s the statement Olivia Munn shoves down your throat in every interview and photo shoot.
I find her boring, average, plain jane freckle face looking. Oh and super annoying on any G4 I saw by trying way too hard to be cute when she just isn’t. Zzzzz She sucks.
A Funny and Hot chick liking Star Wars and Video Games isn’t a contradiction.